In 320, Kurt was talking about how much Scott means to him and everyone in the show. How without Scott, skating wouldn't be the same, and he wouldn't be the same skater. That got a big round of applause. :) He then said that Scott would be out soon, and then he was told he had to stretch it out for one more minute. And you see his reaction in photo 324. ;) So then he asked the audience if anyone had any Scott stories they'd like to share to hlep take up the time. These girls on our side of the ice started screaming, so he went over to them. They said that they had this book on, I believe, 9/11, and that they took it to a firehouse and got signed, and they wanted to give it to Scott because he inspired them. Kurt was really touched, and said they would give it to him. He hugged them, and took the book. You can see this in photo 326. Then Scott came sprinting out, and took the book right out of Kurt's hands, and hugged them, then gave the book back to Kurt to take off the ice. And that concludes all the picture sending. :) I'm not sure if you want to use the captions for the pictures or not, but I thought it's always important to set the scene. Thank you for posting the pictures! I normally would, but I'm really starting to run out of room on my server. I still might post them on my yahoo site, but that doesn't show the pictures off that well. I have so many great pictures, and you want people to be able to see them. :) Heather