
Stars on Ice

Kurt Browning Program Information

Program: Singing in the Rain
Artist: Gene Kelly
Choreographer: Sandra Bezic

Performances: 1994 You Must Remember This
2001 Kurt Browning's Gotta Skate
2012 Medal Winners Open
2012 Kaleidoscope on Ice
2012 Holiday Festival on Ice
2012 Celebration on Ice
2013 Stars on Ice Japan
2013 US Stars on Ice
2013 Rock the Ice IV
2013 Canadian Stars on Ice
2013 Artistry on Ice
2013 All That Skate
2013 Sun Valley on Ice
2013 Hockey Night in Barrie
2013 Ice Theatre of New York Tribute
2014 Art on Ice
2016 Holiday Festival on Ice
2017 Thorold Skating Club Ice Show
2019 Kingston Feb Fest Imagination on Ice
2019 Stars on Ice (Fort Myers)
2025 Willy Wonka on Ice (Skate Virden Ice Show)

Photos: http://www.kurtfiles.com/images/book_pics/kbpts7.jpg

CDs: 100 Years of Cinema: 40 Classic Performances
Musical Wonderland
Golden Age of the Movie Musical
That's Entertainment!: The Ultimate Anthology of M-G-M Musicals
Singin' in the Rain (1952 Film Soundtrack)

Musical clip(s): Singing in the Rain (Gene Kelly)

Lyrics: Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo

I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just singin',
Singin' in the rain

Dancin' in the rain
Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
I'm happy again!
I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain!

I'm dancin' and singin' in the rain...

Artist website: https://www.genekellyfans.com/

Random facts: This is Kurt Browning's most famous program, performed in his special
"You Must Remember This." Kurt's repeatedly cited this as one of the
highlights of his career, skating through simulated rainfall on a set
specially constructed to resemble the actual movie scene. The "rain"
was warm so as not to freeze Kurt, but quickly melted the ice, so that
filming had to be stopped every 30 seconds to squeegee all the excess
water off the ice. Kurt's suit also quickly became waterlogged and
heavy, making it more difficult to skate in. However, Sandra Bezic
has said that Kurt had the time of his life throughout the 10 hour

In 2001, Kurt skated a cut-down version of this as a group number with
Renee Roca, Josee Chouinard and Yuka Sato in the first Gotta Skate
show. In 2012, Kurt decided to revive this program as a live show
program, a longtime dream of his, and debuted it at the Medal Winners
Open competition in Japan, winning 2nd place and a standing
ovation. This also happened to be his first competition in six
years. On the Stars on Ice tour, he also managed to make it rain on
the ice in the final portions of the program. He has brought this
program back many times since and has said that if he had to skate to
one program for the rest of his life, it would likely be this one or
Rag-GIDON-Time, but Singing in the Rain would be easier on his body.

Kurt has also performed a version of Singing in the Rain on stage in
roller blades for the "Music of the Ice" symphony show, with his
friend Geoffrey Tyler singing the song. Geoffrey has also joined Kurt
on the ice at the Skate Virden ice show in 2025, and possibly other