
20 Years of Stars on Ice: 2004
The theme of the 2003-04 show was "TIME," from the opening "Sunrise"
number, through the "TGIF" act I closer, the "Work 'n Time" act II
opener, the "Timely Advice" ensemble, and the "TIME" finale. Even the
transitions between programs closely integrated the TIME theme. In
the "Timing is Everything" transition with the guest star, David
Pelletier opened an umbrella over their heads just in time to avoid a
gush of water from above. In "Metronome" and "Hands of Time", Todd
Eldredge, Kyoko Ina, Jenni Meno, and Yuka Sato portrayed those
respective indicators of the passage of time. "Time for an Olympic
Champion", "Jailbird", "4x2=8" all played with these notions of time.
"Out of Time" was a cute way to integrate the guest star into the
show, with the guest star (Kurt in his stops) coming out for his
second solo, only to find out that the show was out of time and he
couldn't perform. In Canada, Kurt permanently took over the
transitions that had gone to the guest stars in the US, even adding a
"Take Two" transition where Kurt comes out only to discover *again*
that they don't have time for his performance.
Kurt's solos in 2003-04 in the US came out of his Gotta Skate show
with Michael Buble - his fast-moving swing number "Ding Dong Daddy"
and Michael Buble's smoother "Moondance." In Canada, he replaced
"Moondance" with the sentimental "Time in a Bottle," a gorgeous
program dedicated to his mother, who he said always had the ability to
capture moments in time and make sure he enjoyed them, even in the
midst of his busiest moments.
US Tour:
- Alexei Yagudin
- Todd Eldredge
- Yuka Sato
- Jamie Sale & David Pelletier
- Elena Berezhnaya & Anton Sikharulidze
- Kyoko Ina & John Zimmerman
- Jenni Meno & Todd Sand
Special guests:
- Kurt Browning (19 cities)
- Scott Hamilton (19 cities)
- Paul Wylie (22 cities)
- Oksana Baiul (28 cities)
- Ekaterina Gordeeva (22 cities)
- Kristi Yamaguchi (10 cities)
2003-2004 Tour Program
Kurt Programs & Group Numbers
(Kurt was not in the US broadcast)
- Timing is Everything transition (w/ David Pelletier)
- Moondance
- Out of Time transition
- Ding Dong Daddy
- Finale: Time (87MB, wmv)
What they said then...
- Kurt Browning Making Life Changes (Blades on Ice, Jan-Feb 2004)
- Heads will spin: Browning, Baiul take their turn in 'Ice' spotlight (Seattle Times, January 2, 2004)
- Ice moves (Fresno Bee, Jan. 2, 2004)
- Ice show has Dean's mark of elegance (Seattle Times, Jan. 6, 2004)
- Skating stars coming to S.J. (San Jose Mercury News, Jan. 9, 2004)
- Smucker's Stars on Ice hit a skid Tuesday (Des Moines Register, Mar. 18, 2004)
- Art oon Ice wows fans (Peoria Journal Star, Mar. 22, 2004)
Canadian tour:
- Kurt Browning
- Alexei Yagudin
- Todd Eldredge
- Jennifer Robinson
- Jamie Sale & David Pelletier
- Elena Berezhnaya & Anton Sikharulidze
- Isabelle Brasseur & Lloyd Eisler
2004 CSOI Tour Program
Kurt Programs & Group Numbers/Video Downloads:
Please right-click and download, do not play directly off my site
What they said then...
Yuka Sato speaks...
Boy 20 years is a long time! There are so many great moments that Kurt
and I have shared but the one that stuck out the most is the day he
came on the ice and performed straight from a taxi cab. Kurt got stuck
in Toronto in a snow storm and wasn't able to return to the show in
time. He missed the first half and made it for his second number. He
skated after me. Well.. I didn't see him when I got on the ice but Ta
Da! He showed up! After 20 years he is still Amazing. I am so honored
to have shared the ice with him. Congratulations, Kurt!
The fans speak...
Favorite Memory of Kurt.. That is easy.. he was participating in a
skating championship for Professionals in Vancouver.. and after the
show my best friend and I waited and met Kurt, Jamie Sale and David
Pelletier.. As we were waiting to meet Kurt, he saw that I was phoning
my Mum and he grabbed my phone and asked my Mum if he could come home
and eat Kraft Dinner.. That is my favorite Kurt story..
- Melissa Wyckham
I have a beautiful memory of SOI Kurt skating to "Time in a bottle",
it brought tears to my eyes. Maybe it was one of his specials but I've
been to every SOI since it started and Kurt is missed...still one of
the most creative and talented skater ever. I would to take one lesson
from him before I can't anymore!
- Lala Van Camp
Day 14: 2003 | Back to intro | Day 16: 2005