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2018-2019 Season Events

This page contains detailed information on Kurt Browning's events for the 2018-2019 season. He is a commentator on CBC, which is not covered on this page, but he calls all of CBC's figure skating competitions. He also does a lot of seminars, but I am not aware of all of them, so many of them are probably missing from this page.

Last updated: 2/26/19

Added Fort Myers Stars on Ice date.

Kurt Browning Events:
(click on event name for details)
La Boheme (cameo)Aug. 24-27, 2018
Haliburton, ON
N/AOn sale
Hey You're That Skating Dude, Aren't You?
Telling Our Stories - Speaker Series
Oct. 10, 2018
Haliburton, ON
N/AOn sale
Canada's Walk of Fame Awards (walking the red carpet)Dec. 1, 2018
Toronto, ON
Watch onlinetickets
Brunch and Skating SeminarDec. 2, 2018
Norwood, ON
N/Asee article
Revolution on IceDec. 28-29, 2018
Madrid, Spain
unknownOn sale now
(links from that page)
Skating Seminar w/ Kingston Skating AcademyJan. 31, 2019
Kingston, ON
N/ARegistration Open (Star 1 and up)
Imagination on Ice (FebFest)Feb. 2, 2019
Kingston, ON
N/AAvailable now
Masters in the Making, a Kurt Browning ClinicFeb. 21, 2019
Renfrew, ON
N/ARegistration Open (Star 1 and Up)
Ursula Lehming Scarboro Skate Spring SeminarApr. 6-7, 2019
Scarborough, ON
N/ARegistration Open
Stars on Ice (one city only)Apr. 18, 2019
Fort Myers, FL
TBAOn sale now
Stars on Ice Canada (see link for dates and locations)Various dates April-May
Various cities in Canada
TBAOn sale now
PSA Conference and Trade Show (keynote speaker)May 22-25, 2019
Palm Springs, CA
N/AOn sale now

For more information on events from the 2017-2018 season, go here.