
Stars on Ice
TV Schedule
2019-2020 Event Schedule
2020-2021 Event Schedule
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2019-2020 Season Events

This page contains detailed information on Kurt Browning's events for the 2019-2020 season. He is a commentator on CBC, but CBC television is not covering the ISU events this season. He also does a lot of seminars and the occasional club show, but I am not aware of all of them, so many of them are probably missing from this page.

Last updated: 7/24/2020

Kurt will no longer attend the International Figure Skating Camp in person, and will instead be present digitally.

"Kurt Browning: The Greatest Showman on Ice" has been postponed until the fall.
All of Kurt's scheduled seminars this spring have been cancelled.
The entire Stars on Ice tour has been cancelled this year.
Sailor Moon: Prism on Ice has been postponed until June 2021.

Kurt Browning Events:
(click on event name for details)
The Snow Story on IceDec. 14, 2019
Leesburg, VA
N/AOn sale now
Stars on Ice (special holiday show)Dec. 28, 2019
Reading, PA
N/AOn sale now
Stars on Ice (special holiday show)Dec. 30, 2019
Lake Placid, NY
N/AInternet presale now
Kurt Browning: The Greatest Showman on Ice (Postponed)Mar. 14-15, 2020
Esquimalt, BC
N/AOn sale now
Kurt Browning: For The Love of Skating Seminar (Cancelled)Apr. 8, 2020
Courtice, ON
N/ARegistration open now
Stars on Ice (Cancelled)April 24-May 17, 2020
Cities across Canada and CA
TBAOn sale now
Sailor Moon: Prism on Ice (Postponed to 2021)June 5-7, 2020
Yokohama, Japan
TBATicket presale for fan club members
International Figure Skating Camp (virtual coach, week 3)July 27-Aug 15, 2020
Canillo, Andorra
N/ARegistration Open Now

For more information on events from the 2018-2019 season, go here.